Am 22. April besuchten Schülerinnen und Schüler unserer Schule die Aufführung des dystopischen Klassikers „1984“ der American Drama Group in englischer Sprache. Stilecht berichtet Schülerin Annalena Opitz (Kl. 11) auf Englisch:
On 22th April 2024, at 3 p.m, the performance of „1984“ took place at „Theater Plauen/Zwickau“. As students of grade 10 and 11, the performance of „1984“ was a profund experience that left us thoughtful and fascinated.

The production captured the oppressive atmosphere of the novel and immersed us in a world dominated by surveillance and control. The actors embodied their roles so convincingly that we felt completely drawn into the story. The play prompted us to contemplate the importance of freedom and the dangers of authoritarianism. It was an impressive theatrical experience that altered our perspective on the world and encouraged us to critically reflect on society and power structures.
Text: Annalena Opitz (LK 11 En), Bild: Fr. Wolf